Exploring Three Programs in Schoharie County
- Posted By: Jason Carnegie
- Category Featured, General
Exploring Three Programs in Schoharie County
Last Friday was a day filled with purpose and inspiration as our Marketing and Development Team embarked on a journey alongside CEO Sr. Betsy and esteemed board members Kirsten Keefe, Laura Leeds, and Liza Baran. Our destination: the heart of Delaware, Otsego, and Schoharie counties.

Our adventure kicked off with a rendezvous at the Cobleskill office, where we were greeted by Heather Anderson, Director of Special Projects, and Debra Naglieri, Harm Reduction Case Manager. We delved into conversations about the transformative impact of programs like the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion, a program that offers alternatives to incarceration or arrest for low-level offenses by addressing individuals’ unmet needs with the long-term goal of preventing a re-offense. In conjunction with Project SafePoint and our Care Coordination Services, the dedication to providing holistic support to specific individuals in need echoed through every word.

A visit to the Food Pantry and Thrift Shop, guided by Delaware, Otsego, and Schoharie Counties Executive Director, Christy Houck, offered a firsthand glimpse into the hub of compassion and assistance that operates just beyond our office doors. From nourishing foods to essential items, every service rendered here is vital to the community.

Our journey continued with a stop at the Child At Risk Response Team office, where Janine Pustolka, program coordinator, illuminated the profound significance of programs like Care for Kids. In a landscape where such resources are scarce, the impact of nurturing self-advocacy and boundary-setting in children cannot be overstated.