March 8, 2017

Bishop's Statement on Immigration

Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger issued the following statement on immigration issues.  "It's no surprise that immigration issues and concerns are in the news these days, and weighing heavily on people's minds. "As a nation of immigrants, the subject feels intensely personal. As Christians, we are called to begin and end with the human person, respecting the dignity of our brothers and sisters, regardless of whether they were born in this country or not. "A country has a right, and a [...]

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January 27, 2017

Feeding our Neighbors

Feeding Our Neighbors By Bishop Edward B. Scharfenberger Catholic Charities in the Diocese of Albany is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year. Throughout its entire existence, providing food for the hungry has been one of the pillars of its Gospel-inspired mission. Food clearly plays an important role in the Christian narrative. Just one look at the Gospels tells us that. Accounts of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes or the wedding feast at Cana are the obvious examples; but, [...]

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Catholic Charities Named a Winner in the Times Union's Big Giveaway

Catholic Charities was recently named one of the top 10 Charities in the Times Union's Big Giveaway, as voted on by readers. As a winner, Catholic Charities was awarded $10,000 in free advertising in the TU. Thank you to everyone who voted to get Charities a spot in the top 10. A special thank you goes out to First New York Federal Credit Union for sponsoring Catholic Charities in the contest. For more information on the Big Giveaway, including a full list of winners, visit: [...]

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November 17, 2016

WWII Vet Awarded Overdue Medals

WWII Vet Awarded Overdue Medals

Lloyd Gallup was first helped by Catholic Charities after the flooding in Ilion in 2013.  As a result of his incredible story, U.S. Rep. Richard Hanna found out that Lloyd was owed five medals for his service between 1942 and 1945 and moved quickly to fix that. Last week, Senator James L. Seward was able to pin these medals on Lloyd in a ceremony in Lloyd's hometown of Ilion, NY, on behalf of a grateful nation. The ceremony, 71 years in the making, occurred just in time for Veterans [...]

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